
What is common stock? The most typical way to invest in a company and profit from its growth

The excess value paid by the purchaser of the shares above the par value can be found in the “Additional Paid-In Capital (APIC)” line item. So investors with a smaller window, such as those who are older or who need their money sooner, are better off investing elsewhere or at...

Consolidate 1120 or 1120S returns

Get updates on the connectivity status of your firm's online product(s), including reports of service disruptions. Extended hours (9am to 7pm) are January 2-31 (weekdays; regular hours on January 15) and December 2-30 (weekdays). End-to-end tax workflow automation solutions for tax preparers and accountants. See how GoSystem Tax RS provides a sophisticated web-based...

In a bank reconciliation, what happens to the outstanding checks of the previous month?

If a check remains unpaid for an extended period, the recipient may choose to take legal action to recover the funds. This can involve filing a lawsuit and seeking a judgment against the account holder. Depending on the jurisdiction, the account holder may be required to pay not only the...